“Every day I discover even more beautiful things.”

Claude Monet

Travel Blog about European Crafts & Cravings

Collecting The Stories Of The Old Craftsmenship

Adorares was born in spring 2020, when I met art historian Kristian Stankov in Vienna's Prater Park. We both shared a passion for traditional craftsmanship and were saddened to discover that many European artisans faced obscurity. This inspired us to create Adorares.com, a platform to showcase their work.

We launched an online shop and successfully hosted several pop-up events, but eventually, we had to decide the project's future. Kristian has moved on to new ventures, and I’ve transformed Adorares into a travel blog about the old crafts with a focus on interior design.

If you share a similar passion and would like to collaborate, or if you've discovered something that deserves to be featured, please reach out.

Love, Marielle

Traditionally Handmade? The Illusion of Cultural Purity and Why Tradition Is Born from Diversity

In a world that is increasingly interconnected, traditional crafts are experiencing a renaissance. People are searching for authenticity, for products that tell a story and whose quality is defined by tradition, often with the argument that "back then, they knew what true quality was." But what does it truly mean when we speak of "authenticity" or “tradition”? A look into the history books shows tradition has never stood isolated.

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